Friday, 19 February 2010

What I hope to get out of the course

I'd like to be able to become more 'fluent' with the 'Web 2.0' technologies out there that both fit 'my style' as well as my needs. And, I am qualifying this somewhat b/c given everything that's 'out there,' I have to be able to manage what works or what I can imagine might work for me in my situation later on. And, I am willing to take risks, because often with the first exposure in this environment, it's just me playing around with something without an audience. The challenge comes in when you finally decide to try whatever it is out in the classroom. Then a disclaimer at the start of class is in order just in case all fails... (Here's one I came across today, however, that's got instant application: tag galaxy. Fun, quick, useful!)

Otherwise, although it sounds cliche, I'd like to be able to use the technologies to keep students motivated to learn. From the readings this week, it's apparent that we have to do something to keep up with how quickly young people nowadays can process multiple bits of information. Actually, we teachers have become pretty good at it, too. But the implications for delivering content is what I'd be keen to look more into. I can tell when students are intrigued by new content—something they've not contemplated or come across before, but we're no longer the only trusted authority for knowledge. So I'd like to be able to manage the other 'authorities.' I'd like to be able to keep my f2f with my students no matter what, but use the technologies judiciously to enhance the interactions. So far I've played around with forums/ blogs/ wikis, etc. but learning how to use which one when is what I'd like to become more comfortable with. How can be build these new uses into the curriculum so that they are mainstays? Blogging, for example. Is this here to stay and if so, what are the implications for teaching writing?

I'd like to have us explore ways to have students be involved with selecting technologies that they feel would support their learning. What about the use of cell phones in the classroom, for example? Since we don't have 1-1 computer use yet, what are other ways to effectively engage kids without computers necessarily—using their prized possessions?

One last thing comes to mind, here—time. The learning curve is great for some of these, I've learned. Time management ideas, like RSS, are what I'd be interested in learning more about. I'm certain hearing from others how they go about managing all the demands will be helpful. And, managing time for students also applies...

What I hope to get out of this course? How to handle the future of learning!

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